My Family

My Family

Monday, November 17, 2014

Why Life is Awesome

So, I just love my life. Here’s a couple reasons why. I love my major, my classes, my school, Idaho, my family, my religion, my friends, and horses. Yes horses. I love my classes this semester! I’m taking mostly classes for my major, which is pretty much what makes this semester awesome. I have a Meal Management class, Clothing Construction (sewing) class, Piano class, FCS Practicum (teaching) class, and a class called Family Foundations.

In my Meal Management class, I am learning how to manage meals like how to properly set the table, and what utensils and dinnerware you should use, how to keep track of the time while making a meal, how to make a balanced meal, how to budget your meals, and other good stuff that I need to know! I love it! In my clothing construction, we are making a plaid collared shirt, a lined skirt, a sweater, and a quilt! Sewing takes me a long time, but I love not having to just read out of a book, and I love being able to just think about life while sewing. It’s great. Frustrating, but great. I love my piano class, because I am able to re-learn everything that I learned before, but completely forgot like the second I stopped playing. I am currently trying to perfect the song “You are Loved”, by Josh Groban (whom I would marry in a heartbeat) and I LOVE that song! It is so applicable to EVERYONE!

In my Family and Consumer Science class, I am learning how to be a teacher, and I LOVE it!! I guess I just love learning so much that I want to make others love learning as well! I know teaching is hard-really hard- but I’m super excited to learn more about how to teach, and how to be a better teacher. The first week of school, in this class, my teacher passed out a little booklet of how to teach, and you know what it was? The “Teaching the Gospel in the Savior’s Way” guide book! What other school can do that? I am reminded every day that EVERYTHING I am learning in school, applies to the Gospel! I love going to a school where I can practice my religion.

In my Family Foundations class, we are learning about how essential the Family is, and how central it is to the Plan of Happiness! I love learning how to be a better person, and how important it is to learn now, so that I can be prepared for when I have my own family. I have learned to love The Family: A Proclamation to the World, and know that it is divine inspiration from Heavenly Father given to our Prophets. The Proclamation helps us understand our whole purpose here on earth, and what we need to do here on earth so that we can live with our families in Heaven. David A Bednar gave a talk called, “Marriage is Essential to His Eternal Plan” and I absolutely LOVED that talk!! You should read it!!

So, ya I just love school and how it allows me to be a better Latter Day Saint every day. I also had the chance to go horseback riding with two of my really good guy friends who used to be in my ward but aren’t anymore unfortunately. But anyways, I LOVE horses. And by love, I mean LOVE. It’s kind of an obsession really. I am determined to have one when I grow up, so that I can ride it every day. Background story: back when I was young and went to girl’s camp, we rode horses about every other year, and I loved it!! Except when I rode the donkey… Haha. Just kidding. But seriously, life is just great! I love my family, and my religion, and BYU-Idaho!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I Just Love My Family!

So, I basically just want to write about how much I love my family. Each and every one of my siblings and their spouses, and especially my parents and grandparents. They are the greatest influences on me, and I love it. I was just going through all my siblings blogs, and was just grateful for the example that they all set for me. They all married wonderful people, and I can just tell that their kids are being raised right. My nieces and nephews are going to be amazing people someday. Which by the way, I think last time I wrote, I only had two nephews and a niece. But I now have three nephews and two nieces, and I love it!! They are so much fun! And Stephanie and Davin are due in November with Truman! So exciting!! I just love my family, and am so excited to get married someday and start my own family with my husband. Someday.... That'll be one good day. I have a testimony of how important it is to be a mother and father. I know that that is one of the greatest callings we as humans have here on the earth. We are literally sent here to do just that. And spread the gospel. I am so grateful for my own parents, and for the example of my siblings and their spouses, of how to be amazing parents. And whether in this life or the next, I hope to have a family of my own, and raise my own children how Heavenly Father would want me to. I know how much of a responsibility children are, but I am so so excited to one day have children with my husband. I cant wait!! Except for the fact that I kinda have to. Anyways, I just love my family and the wonderful examples they are to me. I am so grateful for the relationship I have with each of them, and I would consider my family as some of my best friends. I love them!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

What if Everything You Had Was Destroyed?

So I'm in a Natural Disasters and an Environmental Stewardship class, and I just got on the news to see whats going on when I came across this video below. Then I looked up the Afghan landslide and I gotta say that I am so grateful to live somewhere where I don't fear for my life or families life everyday. At least for the most part. But I don't know how I could deal with what these people are dealing with. What would I do if my home and everything I had, got destroyed? Where are my priorities? How much do I value my material possessions? Do I value them too much? Do I value them above people?
This also just makes me so grateful for my family. And the chance I have to be with them in the afterlife. I know that even if my stuff got destroyed in a tornado, that I would still have my family. It also makes me realize what should be important in my life. If my home were to be destroyed, how would I deal with it? Would I curse God and die? Or be grateful for what I did have? Just something to think about! I love my family!!
Afghanistan Landslide
Baltimore landslide

Monday, May 5, 2014

Just Good Stuff

So in my environmental stewardship class we are talking about how the world is changing, and then again how technology is changing the world, in my World Foundations class. So I think its a sign for me that I need to reconfigure my life. And it just so happens that I found this video which is probably one of my new favorites. You might want to mute it at 45-46 seconds in because he does say a not very nice word... But anyways, I believe in everything else he says whole heartily. You can watch it here!
And I just read this for my science class, but its awesome how it talks about the problems we have in the world today, and how we should view and overcome them, yet it was written in 1995. And it still applies to today, probably more than before. The Lords knows ALL.
Oh and if your feeling down on yourself, watch this!
And this!
And this just makes me cry. But its still awesome. And I love Carrie Underwood. And the people that serve our country.
And this one from Scotty McCreery. We're getting married. Someday.
Ya you could say I'm addicted to YouTube. Ok, well I'll say it. I'm addicted to YouTube. I could spend hours and hours looking at random videos. Heck its how I found this gem right here!
Ok, I'm done now! Oh and I love my family! Chanda and Nate called me today, and after laughing through the whole conversation, I just had a much better day, and I'm so grateful for them and for the great examples they are to me. I love you guys! Peace Out!!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

I Will Never Go Back To My Old Habits of Fasting

Today was an awesome day. Like Seriously. And here is why. I got to see and talk to my family!! Sure it was over Google chat, but it was awesome!! Oh, and I fasted. Which is one of the things that our Stake President told us to do out of the 3 (you can read my last post to find) out the other two. But anyways, today was the first time I have ever even tried to fast the whole 24 hours, but holy cow, I HAVE a testimony of fasting.
So last night I started fasting after dinner, even though I had a date later and we were going to watch a movie after that. So on my date we didn't eat anything or go out for ice cream which was nice for me that I didn't have to move my fast back even later today, but anyways it was tempting to eat popcorn during the movie, but I restrained. You can be proud of me. Haha. And later that night as I was getting ready for bed, I was trying to think about what to fast for and realized that basically all the other times I have fasted, I had just been like, "Oh yeah, I need to fast..... I'll fast to stop biting my nails." But this didn't really have much meaning to me because I didn't pray to know what I should fast for, or even pray before I started my fast. I just got that fast in my mind, and just awaited the hours till church ended so that I could go home and eat. I had no idea what I was missing. Actually taking the time to think about what I wanted to fast for, really made a difference. And then praying- actually praying for the things I was fasting for also made a difference. Normally whenever I wake up in the morning on fast Sunday, my throat is dry, a little bit more dry than normal which meant that whenever brushing my teeth, I could just gulp a little swig of water. Well today when I woke up, I wasn't even thirsty. Thank goodness. And as I was getting ready for church, I heard a knock on the door and it was the guys who brought the fast offering slips, so I paid my fast offering! I think I have only done that like once, maybe twice in my entire life. So it felt good to do that. Then me and my roommates went to church, and this is where I felt the biggest difference between my other fasts and this one.
First, our opening hymn really got to me and I could just feel the Spirit and the power that my Savior has in the song: I Know That My Redeemer Lives. Here's the link to the lyrics.
The second verse was the most powerful to me because He just does SO much for us!! And we don't even realize that WE ARE THE REASON HE LIVES!! He lives to comfort me when faint, He lives to silence all my fears, to wipe away my tears, and to calm my troubled heart. He LIVES so that I can look to Him and depend on Him. That is just awesome!
After the song ended , and after the sacrament, and announcements, the 2nd Counselor got up to bear his testimony and my heart immediately started pounding. This wasn't just any normal heart pounding like when a cute boy walks by, but it was like, I could feel it through out my ENTIRE body, and I was worried I was like shaking the chair... It was just a CRAZY feeling that I had never experienced before. So I got up and bore my simple but very strong testimony about the Spirit and about the Temple and my family. And I just felt great.
So then in Sunday school I was just in a great mood which is... just great and it makes making friends easier, and listening easier, and focusing more on Christ WAY easier. And then we go into Relief Society. It was awesome!! One of my favorite Relief Society lessons ever. Oh yeah, and today I got sustained to be a Ward Compassionate Service Person, which I am actually really excited about. In case you wanted to know. Anyways, I got to Relief Society and it was fun because I just talked to the girls around me and got to know them, and one girl even told me that she liked my testimony, which was just nice to hear. But we had a lesson by my roommate about 3 things. Can you guess what they were?? Fasting 24 hours, praying in the morning, and speaking well of others. What a coinkadink! She first she started off by having us write down our goals for this semester and then told us that we could achieve those goals if we do those 3 things.
So while talking about fasting, I of course had to share my experience of today and how I have felt the Spirit ALL day today. In Sacrament Meeting, in Sunday school, and already in Relief Society. Which is definitely not a usual thing for me. And this just strengthened my testimony of fasting even more as the Spirit told me how awesome fasting can be. And I am definitely being blessed with the Spirit because I have fasted with a prayer in my heart. I just KNOW that when I fast, the Spirit of the Lord is with me, and I learn so much more, and become a better person. So then we talk about morning prayers which I have also just recently (like this last week) gained a testimony of, which was nice to realize that that is what makes my days go better. And this last week, not only did I complete what I hadn't the week before, but I pretty much caught up with my homework. I KNOW that that was the Lord helping me buckle down to do it, and get caught up.
Then we talked about improving our language. Which probably could have been a lesson in-n-of itself. Don't really know how to spell that phrase, or even what that means.... Anyways, our teacher showed us a video, and we only watched the first 2 minutes during the lesson, but then I went home and watched the rest of it and it is worth watching. Here is the link:
I just know that it is SO important to treat people like they are sons and daughters of God. I found this quote on Pinterest that says, "Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, so be kind." I love this quote because no one on earth really knows what others are going through, so it is so important to be kind to everyone. Sure we aren't perfect, but no one is. We all sin differently. So we shouldn't judge. Judging a person does not define who they are... It defines who you are. And when we bring people down, we are also bringing Christ down. And my Stake President did not tell us to not speak bad of others, he told us to speak well of others. Which means that even if you just don't say anything at all, you are wrong. You should be speaking GOOD of others. And just on the opposite end of things, if you feel like everyone hates you, or you have no friends, and feel alone, never allow yourself to be defined by someone else's opinion of you. Your value doesn't decrease based on someones inability to see your worth. We just need to love everyone NO MATTER WHAT. Because everyone is a Child of God who is LOVED by Him and Christ so much that Christ died for them. And for you. And just adding in a little quote to sum up my thoughts:

Monday, April 28, 2014

I'm Done Waiting Around

So....I love school. And I LOVE to learn! Well at least about stuff that interests me. I hate being away from my family, but it is what is. Today in one of my classes we were talking about how we wait for things. We wait to gain a testimony until we read the Book of Mormon, we wait to go to school until we are financially able, we wait to be nice to someone until they are nice to us first, we wait to be happy until we are married, we wait to practice parenting skills until we are parents, and we just wait for life to happen until ____ (blank) happens. And this is so true! At least for me. And I am a procrastinator anyways, so I am pretty good at waiting. But who knows how much longer we have on this earth? I don't want to die tomorrow, and meet God and have him ask me, "Did you pray with faith, believing that I would answer your prayers? Did you study your scriptures like I asked? Did you pay your tithing and fast offerings?" And if I answered, "No, but I was going to do those things tomorrow, or next month...." I think I would just feel awful.
Christ has asked us to do the little things, one step at a time. I have a testimony that if we make little changes in the things we do often, we will be blessed by our Heavenly Father. I also know that when we are trying our best, Satan is also right there, trying to get us to mess up, just once, so that we forget what it feels like to be truly happy. Satan does everything he can to make it SEEM harder than it really is. He harps on things that aren't always the most important, but are the things WE care about. For me personally, he harps on the titles I don't have. Girlfriend. Wife. Mother. He knows exactly how to get me down, and is really good at doing it.
But just last night, My Stake President at a fireside, told us young peeps that we need to do 3 things this semester, that would bless our lives. And I am so grateful that its only 3 because any more than that would be tricky to remember. Haha. And I have an AWESOME Stake President, so I know this comes from God. And this is pretty much just quoted from him, but feel free to join in on these goals with me!!
1. Pray in the morning. I think most of us are pretty good at praying at night, but its the morning that we have a hard time with. And this isn't just a laying-in-bed prayer... Get up and kneel on the ground and pray for the important things in your life. Pray for the things you want to achieve THAT Day.
2. Speak well of others. Seriously. No- gossiping. No- talking badly. No- "but its the truth" type stuff. Cuz we all do that. So don't even start. Only GOOD things come out of your mouth.
3. Fast. This is a 24 hour deal. Sacrifice at least two meals- 24 hours.  When your stomach starts to grumble, tell it to stop. You have the power to stop yourself from breaking your fast. Pray to have the strength to fast this long. When at church, bear your testimony, if the Spirit prompts you. Pay fast offerings. Pay what it would cost to eat two meals. And finally pray to Heavenly Father and thank Him for everything.
I know that if we cry unto our Father, he will help. He might not take the rocks out of our backpacks, but he will make our backs strong enough to carry those rocks up the hill. I know that the Lord loves everyone and cares for us and is cheering for all of us to make the right choices, and I am so grateful for that love He shows me. I know He lives and can help us overcome anything if we live the Gospel.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Atonement is REAL!

This last Sunday, I woke up earlier than I normally do, so I decided to just browse the Gospel Library on my phone, and see what interesting and uplifting stuff I could find to start my Sabbath day off right. Well under Institute, I found the subject: Preparing for an Eternal Marriage, which looked interesting. Not because I am getting married anytime soon... I'm not even dating anyone right now.... So anyways I clicked on it, and scrolled through and saw, Personal Worthiness and the Blessings of Eternal Marriage. So I clicked on it, just because. Little did I know that this would be the theme that I got out of everything that day. I would encourage you to read it - I think what reeled me in, was that it didn't look very long. And it actually didn't take me very long to read it. And I'm a slow reader. Anyways, here is the site - So READ IT.
So after reading the scripture, Doctrine and Covenants 132:18,  I realized how important it is to be prepared for an eternal marriage, no matter where you are in life. And I want to be prepared for when I find the right one. And in order for me to be prepared, I have to be sincerely repenting. All the time. Why? Because I sin all the time. Ok, well maybe not 24/7, but I most definitely am not perfect. So anyways, pretty much the rest of the day, I heard lessons that had to do with the atonement. Which was exactly what I needed.
The atonement is REAL!! Let me tell you why I know this! So I came home from Idaho, and all I do is work and watch kids, so I don't feel like I move forward in Arizona. Its kinda weird. But anyways, when I come home from work, I just kinda chill, and I only have institute once a week, and church on Sundays. Whereas at BYUI I have a religion class every Monday and Wednesday, we pray and sing hymns in all my classes and talk about Christ, at least once in every class. And after school we pray right before our tournaments and games, so I'm basically surrounded by the gospel and its influence. Which I LOVE. But here its different. I have to try very hard to motivate myself to wake up earlier and read my scriptures. So when I first came home, I struggled. I started not reading my scriptures, and not saying my prayers. And let me tell you.... I had no idea what an effect it had on me. Until like a week ago.
I was at institute and we were talking about the scriptures and our relationship with Christ, and staying true to our faith, and about the atonement of Jesus Christ. And it was when our teacher told us to write down what Satan enjoys seeing ME doing, that I realized that I have changed in just 3 months. 3 months. That's all it took. All because I stopped reading my scriptures and saying my prayers. I realized that because I stopped doing that, I started listening to music with bad words in them, I started watching movies that had not so good parts in them, I started buying dresses that I probably shouldn't be wearing, and I was treating my family differently than how I should be. But I honestly had NO idea. I didn't realize that I had been doing all these things, until that Wednesday when I looked back at my life these past 3 months. And honestly I was shocked, because I had never tolerated this stuff before, but now it was a part of life. And I'm not saying that I went inactive or started watching r-rated movies or anything like that, but looking back, I realized I did not have a good relationship with Christ, let alone any relationship. And I realized it was because I didn't do the little things. Reading my Scriptures and saying my prayers. Its just crazy because you hear that your whole life, that those are the most important parts of your day, but I had never experienced it, and gained a testimony of that before now. I figured out for myself that I was a victim of Satan. He very SLOWLY led me off that path of righteousness and I never even realized it. I have a testimony of the last part of 2 Nephi 26:22: "And there are also secret combinations... of the devil, for he is the founder of all these things; yea, the founder of murder, and works of darkness; yea, and he leadeth them by the neck with a flaxen cord, until he bindeth them with his strong cords forever." It happened to me and luckily I was saved by the Spirit (And my institute teacher). Anyways, I just love this gospel and am so glad that I have a relationship with my Father in Heaven, and that He loves me enough to help me realize what I had been missing. No I'm not perfect, but I KNOW that where you are is the best place for you to be, and I know that I am where I need to be at this time. I love this gospel and know that Jesus Christ has allowed me to repent and become a better person through His atonement. And I am so grateful for that. Oh and just a side note, one of my favorite scriptures is Doctrine and Covenants 50:23-24. "And that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness. That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day."
It just goes along with what I'm trying to say. Haha. And I just love it. But what was also pretty cool this last Sunday was when I was coming home from church, just thinking about the atonement and the power of it and everything, and when I checked the time on my phone and set it down, the song "Let it Go" from Frozen randomly started playing. I think I had paused it half way through, the day before or something because it started playing at the chorus. I was going to turn it off, but then I realized that this song was talking about the atonement! Not really, but it made sense in my mind at the time. And of course not all of it reminds me of the atonement but its just cool to think about letting go of the sins I had and never going back to them. Here are the lyrics!

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation,
And it looks like I’m the queen.

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn’t keep it in, heaven knows I tried

Don’t let them in, don’t let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know
Well, now they know

Let it go, let it go
Can’t hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door

I don’t care
What they’re going to say
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway

It’s funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can’t get to me at all

It’s time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
I’m free

Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You’ll never see me cry

Here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on

My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I’m never going back,
The past is in the past

Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone

Here I stand
In the light of day
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway

I just love how in the beginning, its like she is trying to just hide her sins and forget about them, but we all know that that isn't what Heavenly Father wants us to do. She then realizes that she has to let go of her bad past because it has been destroying her inside. My favorite part: "And the fears that once controlled me can’t get to me at all." As she looks to Christ and has faith in Him, she can truly repent and be free of those sins. "Here I stand And here I'll stay" This part reminds me of Doctrine and Covenants 87:8- and "Here I stand In the light of day Let the storm rage on, The cold never bothered me anyway." Is like Helaman 5:12-
I love this Gospel for the joy it can bring into my life everyday if I live faithfully!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My LITTLE Sister's Birthday

So, this is my little sister. Except for the fact that she is taller than me.... But she is still my little sister. Today is her Birthday and she is now 17! Since when did she become a teenager?!! I swear I was just 17! But I'm actually like 19. Ugh. Anyways, Chalene is AWESOME. I love her.

When we were younger, like 9 or 10, I remember we would fight. ALL THE TIME. It was probably more me than her, but it was fun fighting!! I would sit on top of her, with my knees pinning her arms down to the ground, while I tickled her face with my hair, or started to drool spit that I would suck back into my mouth right before I lost control of it. (Occasionally it actually fell out. Maybe just once or twice though) And then eventually of course, mom and dads famous words become a reality, "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt." And then we would get into a real fight. Well at least for 2 young girls. Not exactly like a cat fight, but as much damage as we could do, without hurting each other enough to get the parents involved. Cuz once mom and dad found out, we'd be worse off than before. But we would hit, Indian burn each others arms, kick, throw pillows, and occasionally pull the hair if we really wanted to fight.

But to my disadvantage, I bit my nails, which meant that I could never scratch her, and it made it hard for me to pinch effectively. I also was, and still kinda am, a germaphobe, so I couldn't just bite her, cuz putting my mouth on other human skin... That's just gross. You never know where that stuff has been! Well, Chalene, seeing as how I was defective in pretty much every way but strength, used this to her advantage. Lets just say I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't have scars on my hands or arms. Clothes were a problem too. Neither of us had more than like 10 shirts at a time, and since I was older and bigger, she always wanted to wear my clothes. This created a bit of a problem because I would find my clothes in her room, on the ground, wrinkled, dirty, and stretched out at the bottom, and would have to remind her (nicely, of course) to put my clothes back, quite often. Well eventually anything I said didn't matter because mom would just defend Chay all the time and make me feel so guilty for not letting her wear my clothes. Thanks mom. But anyways, it was just hard for me having a little sister, and there were so many times that I just wanted to.... Strangle her!! 

Well, as we both got older (and obviously way more mature), we just kind of stopped completely hating each other! Sure we still have to ask to wear the other persons clothes, and sign contracts of agreements, slice each others throats, but that's mostly because of the facial expression the other person displays while fearing for their life. But we can now share clothes in peace, share the same bathroom, curling iron, straightener, room, and even bed. Yes, I live at home, and my parents don't give me a bed. Anyways, I am just so grateful for Chay. She has truly become one of my best friends. She always has a way of making me laugh, and we could stay up for hours, just talking. But of course, we don't do that.... Haha. I love going shopping with her, going to the movies, going shopping, going shopping, listening to her read love novels to me every night, and singing with her at the top of our lungs to all the Barbie and Frozen songs. Chalene is awesome, and I am so glad that I have the opportunity to come home from BYU-I and just spend time with her. I can't wait for her to graduate high school so she can come to church and school with me! (Hint, hint) Sure we have had our hard times - refer to the first 2 paragraphs - but now, I couldn't imagine life without her, and am so glad she is my little sister. She is so talented - shes good at volleyball, all around athletic, great with little kids, plays the piano, plays the violin, has an amazing voice, (when she actually tries) is really good at shooting cans with rubber bands, has a gorgeous smile, strong in the gospel, and just all around, an awesome person. Someday I hope I can be like her, and I am so glad that my little sister is an awesome example to me, and truly one my best friends. She is going to be a killer wife and mom someday and her husband sure is going to be lucky. I love Chalene and I am so glad that we are not only sisters, but friends! Happy Birthday to the best little sister ever! I Love you!

Friday, February 14, 2014

I Love Valentines Day!

      So, since its Valentines Day, I'm just gunna take the next 20 minutes describing my Valentines Day. How horrible it is being single, and how I spent the day with my imaginary boyfriend, and how I bought myself flowers just so that I could feel loved. No, just kidding. I'm not THAT obsessed with wanting to have a boyfriend..... Ok, maybe I am... So what? But in all seriousnessness, today was pretty dang awesome despite my relationship status! You know why? Because I have THE BEST family. Like Ever. Seriously.

      Ok, so this past week, I have just been doing my thing, going to work, you know, making the BIG bucks (Ha), having to go to work... By myself. And just to let you know. I hate being by mythelf. HATE IT. Like.. I can't even go outside to the car at night, without somehow freaking myself out. But dad was gone, and was going to be gone till this Saturday. But on Wednesday night, whenever I got home from institute, I went upstairs to my room, and heard a familiar voice. It was my dads voice!!! He got home EARLY from his trip!! I went in his room to find him and I just felt the Spirit as soon as I saw him, and was so happy to see him I couldn't help but go up to him and give a big hug! Now my dad travels a lot, and by a lot, I mean A LOT. So I mean, he comes and goes often, so its just a normal occurrence for him to be leaving and then coming back home. But this time, I was SO excited to see him, I got teary-eyed! And I just realized how much I love him being home, and how much he means to me. He influences my life in many ways and I love working for him. Anyways, point being.... I love my dad. A LOT. And he is THE best dad ever. I KNOW that he would literally do anything for me. And I am so grateful that he is someone I can look up to. Oh, and can I just add how much I want my future relationship to be like his and moms? He always talks about how much he really does love mom, despite her shopping habit, or her not-answering-her-phone habit. He always makes sure that I know no matter what, that he loves her. And I am so glad because literally- my mom is awesome. No, not that kind of awesome. Think awesomer. Yupp. And he always makes sure that every one of us kids knows how much he loves us too. Working with my dad has definitely been one of the best experiences of my life. And I think its because I get to know him. I get to know what he does at work, I know how stressful his job can be, I know how hard he works, and I know what he sacrifices to make MY life better. I just love him so much, and am so glad that I am his daughter. I know I can always look up to him as my awesome example of what I want my husband to be like. I love you daddy!

      So then, today. Valentines Day. Oh Valentines Day. I have never really hated it, nor loved it. Except maybe when a guy I liked got me a whole big bag of skittles and chocolate. Best day of high school. But anyways, I was just on facebook, and saw all these girls posting about either A: How lucky they were to be with their husband/boyfriend/man of their dreams... etc. Or B: How...(Refer to sentence #2 of blog). I get it. If I had a boyfriend or whatever, HECK ya I'd be posting a cute picture of us, and every cute thing that he did! And if I was desperate to get sympathy comments about how so many guys are probably just secretly in love with me, or how cute I really am, or how boys are crazy to NOT want to be with me, I think I WOULD post a picture of me by myself! But no. At least not today. I might eat my words next year... But Honestly, today I realized how awesome my life really is, despite my lack of a significant other. Back to Facebook. As I was scrolling through, I happened upon an article that caught my attention, so I clicked on the site, and started reading. And holy cow. I am so glad that I did. Here it is. You just have to read it for yourself because its pretty awesome. Its a great way to view life. Especially if your single and just want to get married! It just kinda speaks for itself, and I agree completely. Oh and I love the movie comparison.
Oh and while I'm on the subject of being single, I also found another blog that I always think about, and refer back to, whenever I get down, or try to blame others. Just read it. Whether your single or not. Seriously
So ya, hopefully you actually read both of them. I know the first one is kinda long, but you NEED to read the second one. Its super awesome, and short! Both are pluses.

      So another reason why today was awesome was because I just got to talk to Nathan. Yes, my brother who used to do nothing but tease me, but now, he is one of my best friends. And I am so grateful I have him as an example to look up to. But I called him today, and was just talking to him about the boys nonexistent in my life, and his shoulder injury, and how he is still playing on it, but not to worry, because he is only blocking.... Crazy person.... and just about life, and Valentines Day. And you know what he said to me??? He said, "Well you know Caryn, (finish reading picture below, if you haven't already)

Ya. Despite his cruel, heart-stabbing comment, I still love Nathan. And forgave him of his sins. Haha. Its a good thing he was kidding.... I think. I hope. But I really do love him and miss him a lot. He has been at college with me, EVERY semester, and this semester, he is up there without me. And next semester is our last semester together at the same school. Sad. But I am so SO grateful that he treats me like more of a best friend instead of an annoying, immature little sister. He is just awesome!!

      Ok, so the other reason Valentines Day was awesome was because of my awesome sister in law, Stephanie!! I came home from work, just expecting the usual- everyone gone but Jordan, who is sitting at the TV, playing tank wars, so I go and lay on the couch and watch him strategically die-or not die, while asking him questions about the game, so that if I ever actually play, I can be a pro, while waiting for dinner to just magically appear on the table, and mom to say that dinner is ready, so we sit down and eat! But, tonight, this was not the case at all!!! I came home, and saw something on the counter, that was pink. And it had MY name on it. And it was Valentines Day. My awesome sister in law had gotten me lotion, and a necklace that she made herself! Just for me. It was just so awesome and so thoughtful, I found myself rubbing a couple tears away. I love Stephanie. And I am so glad that she married my awesome brother Davin. We also went shopping the other day (Me, Chalene, and Stephanie) and it was SO fun!! We were at San Tan Mall literally ALL day. I just love my family.

      Another reason Valentines Day was great was because I got paid!! Hooray!

      Another reason why my Valentines Day was awesome was the fact that my family came over tonight, and we just chilled at my house! I love it whenever Justin's family comes over. I always have so much fun just sitting in our family room, talking and listening to conversations, and just laughing. Side Note/Story: 2 Nights ago, I was over at Justin and Ashleigh's, just chilling with her and my sweet niece and nephews, waiting for Justin to get home. Well after the kids were all in bed, we tried hooking up my phone to her computer to get a video that I recorded of Ellie, while they were gone in Chile. (I WILL post it sometime because it is AWESOME.) So while trying to get it to work, Ashleigh noticed that Ethan's new guppy that he got from school, about the size of a small paperclip, had already dirtied its water after just two days, so we tried to figure out the best way to dump out the old water down the drain, without Ethan's friend going down as well. We figured the best way was to fill up a bowl of water, stick the fish inside of it, dump out the nasty water from the cup, refill the cup with fresh water, and dump the guppy back into the cup. After Ashleigh had filled the cup with the fresh water, we then had to think about how to stick the fish back into the cup. But before we had any brilliant ideas... The fish jumped out of the bowl, and into the sink. Before I could even think, Ashleigh starts screaming this blood curdling scream, and to my surprise, all I could do was laugh and watch as she hopped around, trying (with a fork), to keep the fish from flipping itself down the drain. Well after she stopped screaming, we had to figure out how to give this fish some water, so it could stay alive, when Ashleigh said "Oh man, if this stupid fish goes down the drain, Ethan is going to KILL me." Then it started to flip again, pretty high for a guppy about as big as a paperclip, and I hear Ashleigh say to the fish "Oh man, if you get up on my sleeve..." Haha. I seriously tried so hard not to laugh. It was probably because I had never seen my beautiful, sweet, always in control, sister in law, be.... NOT in control. Haha. You should have been there because it was hilarious. Seriously. And I'm not trying to make fun of you Ashleigh, I promise, because hey, I was scared to touch this paperclip-sized fish, but this is just now one of those times that you think about, and you just have to laugh because its so funny. Anyways, back to the story. So I grabbed a spoon, to try to scoop the fish into the cup, Ashleigh with the fork, and we tried to kind of pick it up and put it into the cup. Well finally, after a few more screams, and jumping, we got it into that small cup, and as quick as I set the spoon in the sink, Ashleigh had put the lid on the cup. Man. It was hilarious and this story DEFINTELY makes it into my 'funniest memories'. I could not stop smiling. It was just a fun-filled night with Ashleigh.

      I am so grateful for her, marrying my oldest brother Justin, and practically teaching me everything I need to know about babies, and kids, and other grown-up stuff! She is always so nice to compliment me, and do my hair, and just talk to me, and trust me with her kids!! I love Justin and Ashleigh's kids and Ashleigh is DEFINITELY another mother role model for me. You can just tell that she loves all of her children and would do anything for them, and Justin. She has shown me what being a mother is all about, and the joys and happy moments that come from spending time with your kids. She has a quote upstairs in the play room that says, "Love is spelled T-I-M-E" and this is so true. I have never seen another little girl besides Ellie, so sad to the point of crying, because she misses her mommy so much, after just one day of being gone, and so happy to go to the airport to get her. I hope that when I have kids someday, they will love me just as much as your kids love you. You are awesome Ashleigh, and I have always looked up to you and wanted to be just like you. I am SO glad that you are a part of my family, and that you married my angel brother. You guys are just the cutest, and I love you both! And of course your children, whom I could never get sick of*. (*Disclaimer: This is NOT an invitation to take off, and go to Hawaii for a year) :D

      So last week, I got an email from my favoritest brother in law- Nate. Thinking it was just a reply to a dota conversation my family has going on right now, I opened it and was shocked to see a picture that he had sent, of Chanda playing dota, with the subject line reading: Girls I need your help. And the email reading: So I plugged Chanda into the electric pacifier (aka dota) and tried my best at braids. I need yall to teach me the ways of the hair!
At first, I looked at it, and thought that it looked like something was growing out of her head, and then I realized it was just braids. Just kidding. I was actually pretty impressed at how well a boy-I mean a man, could braid hair! I don't think I have ever seen such a well-done braid completed (except for that little left out piece in the middle) by the opposite species. Job well done Nate!! I really miss Nate and Chanda! Chanda is always so good to make anyone feel loved and cared about, which is apparent by her calls at least once a month which I absolutely LOVE. The other day she called me (pretty much in desperation) and asked if I could come to Utah to curl her hair for the next two hours before Nate got home, and they went on their date. I love Chanda. And Nate can always bring a smile to my face, even if I do take forever going to the bathroom, getting my shoes, and getting a drink RIGHT before we leave. I can't wait for them to come and live in Arizona!! (This last comment is to be taken literally)

      Lindsay also sent me an email the other day asking everyone in our family to remember a memory or something about family dinners. It took me a while, but I finally got one. Thank you Lindsay for allowing me to laugh and remember this awesome moment that I had with Jordan and Chay. And thanks for marrying Barrett! I love you both and am super sad that you guys are graduating and won't be up there with me and Nate! You were always so nice to let me babysit your daughter, and pay me with dinner!! Best dinners I had all semesters. Seriously. Good luck with finding a job, and a home, and raising your adorable daughter, Celeste Lynn Smith! (Say that 5 times fast) Anyways, here is just one of my many memories at the dinner table. I would say its a poem, but it doesn't sound like one at all... Anyways, you can read it if you want!

So one time, me, Jordan and Chalene sat down to eat dinner at the table,
but mom hadn't made it yet, so we just snacked on whatever we could find, whatever we were able.
Luckily, we spotted some goldfish, and freshly picked tangerines, sitting around, just waiting to be eaten,
So we started to eat, but I realized this needed some chocolate, or something that would sweeten.
I ran upstairs, to find my secret stash, and sure enough, I found exactly what I wanted,
"These M&Ms are perfect, a scrumptious treat that I found" running back downstairs, I vaunted.
So we joyfully continued to eat the M&Ms, tangerines, and goldfish. Separately of course, but all still turning into chyme,
But just then, me and Jordan had a BRILLIANT idea!! Why not eat them all.... At the same time??
That obviously sounded like a good idea, we all thought, and a pretty dang good combination as well.
After all, M&Ms and tangerines must taste like a chocolate orange, those yummy things at Wal-Mart that they sell.
Chalene backed out, probably a little too gutsy for her, but she got out her camera recorder, cuz after all, we were still waiting for mom.
Jordan and I were still up for the challenge, and we had one tangerine slice, 3 goldfish, and 5 M&Ms, all just sitting in our palms.
Me and Jordan glanced at eachother, hoping one would back out, but Chay counted to three, and into the mouth, our food went squish.
At first, you just bit into the tangerine, which was really good, but then came the weird combination flavor of, the goldfish.
This flavor was definitely not worth the effort or calories, and obviously not worth the cringe that so easily came,
And when we thought it couldn't get any nastier, we had the M&M flavor, at which instant, me and Jordan thought exactly the same.
We learned an important lesson that day. Food is good by itself, but never make eating it together, just a simple game.
This video, P.S. is not available for public consumption.

      So anyways.... My point of this long post, is to tell the whole wide world (Or just you) how much I love you!!! Since your most likely part of my family. Yes, I know, I'm so popular. But I LOVE my family and am so grateful that I have all of you part of life! You are the best family EVER. Ethan the other day was asking some questions about how we are all related, and how we are a family, and Justin said something to him along the lines of "Someday your going to be lucky enough to meet a girl that you want to marry, and you'll be so happy, you'll want to become part of a new family, and start a family with her, and be with them together forever." This is probably really badly quoted, but I hope that someday I marry someone who loves me and my family, and is so happy that he wants to create a family with me. And of course we live happily ever after with 8 kids. :) But today, MY family is the best family for ME, and I am so grateful for my grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, brother in-law, sisters in-law, and my nieces, and nephews. You have ALL influenced me in my life and have made me want to be a better person. I will always look up to your examples and try to follow in your steps so that I can be a better person, always growing with you, trying more and more each day to be more like our Savior. I love you and am so grateful the in the pre-existence, we chose to be sealed together forever, as an eternal family. I'm so glad, and you all just make me so happy! Oh and thanks for reading my blog! K, Bye!