My Family

My Family

Thursday, May 8, 2014

What if Everything You Had Was Destroyed?

So I'm in a Natural Disasters and an Environmental Stewardship class, and I just got on the news to see whats going on when I came across this video below. Then I looked up the Afghan landslide and I gotta say that I am so grateful to live somewhere where I don't fear for my life or families life everyday. At least for the most part. But I don't know how I could deal with what these people are dealing with. What would I do if my home and everything I had, got destroyed? Where are my priorities? How much do I value my material possessions? Do I value them too much? Do I value them above people?
This also just makes me so grateful for my family. And the chance I have to be with them in the afterlife. I know that even if my stuff got destroyed in a tornado, that I would still have my family. It also makes me realize what should be important in my life. If my home were to be destroyed, how would I deal with it? Would I curse God and die? Or be grateful for what I did have? Just something to think about! I love my family!!
Afghanistan Landslide
Baltimore landslide

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