My Family

My Family

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My LITTLE Sister's Birthday

So, this is my little sister. Except for the fact that she is taller than me.... But she is still my little sister. Today is her Birthday and she is now 17! Since when did she become a teenager?!! I swear I was just 17! But I'm actually like 19. Ugh. Anyways, Chalene is AWESOME. I love her.

When we were younger, like 9 or 10, I remember we would fight. ALL THE TIME. It was probably more me than her, but it was fun fighting!! I would sit on top of her, with my knees pinning her arms down to the ground, while I tickled her face with my hair, or started to drool spit that I would suck back into my mouth right before I lost control of it. (Occasionally it actually fell out. Maybe just once or twice though) And then eventually of course, mom and dads famous words become a reality, "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt." And then we would get into a real fight. Well at least for 2 young girls. Not exactly like a cat fight, but as much damage as we could do, without hurting each other enough to get the parents involved. Cuz once mom and dad found out, we'd be worse off than before. But we would hit, Indian burn each others arms, kick, throw pillows, and occasionally pull the hair if we really wanted to fight.

But to my disadvantage, I bit my nails, which meant that I could never scratch her, and it made it hard for me to pinch effectively. I also was, and still kinda am, a germaphobe, so I couldn't just bite her, cuz putting my mouth on other human skin... That's just gross. You never know where that stuff has been! Well, Chalene, seeing as how I was defective in pretty much every way but strength, used this to her advantage. Lets just say I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't have scars on my hands or arms. Clothes were a problem too. Neither of us had more than like 10 shirts at a time, and since I was older and bigger, she always wanted to wear my clothes. This created a bit of a problem because I would find my clothes in her room, on the ground, wrinkled, dirty, and stretched out at the bottom, and would have to remind her (nicely, of course) to put my clothes back, quite often. Well eventually anything I said didn't matter because mom would just defend Chay all the time and make me feel so guilty for not letting her wear my clothes. Thanks mom. But anyways, it was just hard for me having a little sister, and there were so many times that I just wanted to.... Strangle her!! 

Well, as we both got older (and obviously way more mature), we just kind of stopped completely hating each other! Sure we still have to ask to wear the other persons clothes, and sign contracts of agreements, slice each others throats, but that's mostly because of the facial expression the other person displays while fearing for their life. But we can now share clothes in peace, share the same bathroom, curling iron, straightener, room, and even bed. Yes, I live at home, and my parents don't give me a bed. Anyways, I am just so grateful for Chay. She has truly become one of my best friends. She always has a way of making me laugh, and we could stay up for hours, just talking. But of course, we don't do that.... Haha. I love going shopping with her, going to the movies, going shopping, going shopping, listening to her read love novels to me every night, and singing with her at the top of our lungs to all the Barbie and Frozen songs. Chalene is awesome, and I am so glad that I have the opportunity to come home from BYU-I and just spend time with her. I can't wait for her to graduate high school so she can come to church and school with me! (Hint, hint) Sure we have had our hard times - refer to the first 2 paragraphs - but now, I couldn't imagine life without her, and am so glad she is my little sister. She is so talented - shes good at volleyball, all around athletic, great with little kids, plays the piano, plays the violin, has an amazing voice, (when she actually tries) is really good at shooting cans with rubber bands, has a gorgeous smile, strong in the gospel, and just all around, an awesome person. Someday I hope I can be like her, and I am so glad that my little sister is an awesome example to me, and truly one my best friends. She is going to be a killer wife and mom someday and her husband sure is going to be lucky. I love Chalene and I am so glad that we are not only sisters, but friends! Happy Birthday to the best little sister ever! I Love you!

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