My Family

My Family

Monday, April 28, 2014

I'm Done Waiting Around

So....I love school. And I LOVE to learn! Well at least about stuff that interests me. I hate being away from my family, but it is what is. Today in one of my classes we were talking about how we wait for things. We wait to gain a testimony until we read the Book of Mormon, we wait to go to school until we are financially able, we wait to be nice to someone until they are nice to us first, we wait to be happy until we are married, we wait to practice parenting skills until we are parents, and we just wait for life to happen until ____ (blank) happens. And this is so true! At least for me. And I am a procrastinator anyways, so I am pretty good at waiting. But who knows how much longer we have on this earth? I don't want to die tomorrow, and meet God and have him ask me, "Did you pray with faith, believing that I would answer your prayers? Did you study your scriptures like I asked? Did you pay your tithing and fast offerings?" And if I answered, "No, but I was going to do those things tomorrow, or next month...." I think I would just feel awful.
Christ has asked us to do the little things, one step at a time. I have a testimony that if we make little changes in the things we do often, we will be blessed by our Heavenly Father. I also know that when we are trying our best, Satan is also right there, trying to get us to mess up, just once, so that we forget what it feels like to be truly happy. Satan does everything he can to make it SEEM harder than it really is. He harps on things that aren't always the most important, but are the things WE care about. For me personally, he harps on the titles I don't have. Girlfriend. Wife. Mother. He knows exactly how to get me down, and is really good at doing it.
But just last night, My Stake President at a fireside, told us young peeps that we need to do 3 things this semester, that would bless our lives. And I am so grateful that its only 3 because any more than that would be tricky to remember. Haha. And I have an AWESOME Stake President, so I know this comes from God. And this is pretty much just quoted from him, but feel free to join in on these goals with me!!
1. Pray in the morning. I think most of us are pretty good at praying at night, but its the morning that we have a hard time with. And this isn't just a laying-in-bed prayer... Get up and kneel on the ground and pray for the important things in your life. Pray for the things you want to achieve THAT Day.
2. Speak well of others. Seriously. No- gossiping. No- talking badly. No- "but its the truth" type stuff. Cuz we all do that. So don't even start. Only GOOD things come out of your mouth.
3. Fast. This is a 24 hour deal. Sacrifice at least two meals- 24 hours.  When your stomach starts to grumble, tell it to stop. You have the power to stop yourself from breaking your fast. Pray to have the strength to fast this long. When at church, bear your testimony, if the Spirit prompts you. Pay fast offerings. Pay what it would cost to eat two meals. And finally pray to Heavenly Father and thank Him for everything.
I know that if we cry unto our Father, he will help. He might not take the rocks out of our backpacks, but he will make our backs strong enough to carry those rocks up the hill. I know that the Lord loves everyone and cares for us and is cheering for all of us to make the right choices, and I am so grateful for that love He shows me. I know He lives and can help us overcome anything if we live the Gospel.

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