My Family

My Family

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Satan is Trying (And hopefully failing. Miserably.)

So this week in class, we focused on communication, and how truly important it is in relationships. When talking to anyone, you should always come into the conversation with a soft tone of voice. When you are angry, upset, stressed, or frustrated at the time, try to either cool down first, or try to say things more sincerely. Especially when talking about conflicts, or problems. And when talking, if the conversation gets too heated, you should either take a break, or just say something that will allow a little bit of stress to leave. That way, you don’t look back and think to yourself, Oh, I shouldn’t have said that, or done that. Because we really do say things that we don’t mean when we are having a hard time, and are upset or angry. I know I say SO many things, and later after thinking about it, I just feel so dumb for saying it, and I know that I shouldn’t have said it. When talking with your spouse, or whoever, you should maybe give up control once in a while. Let your spouse win. Listen intently to their hopes and dreams, and try to work it out. We need to be empathic listeners. When we listen empathically, we just seek to understand, not seek to solve the problem. And most of the time, people just want to talk, and to be understood. Here is a pretty good YouTube video that pretty much teaches us that people just want to be understood.
We also discussed in class about how important our families are. And I have such a strong testimony of families because I freakin love my family and wouldn’t want my family to be any different. The family was actually the first organization on this earth, that started with Adam and Eve, and if you think about it, families MUST be that important if it was the first. And honestly, what is our church all about??? Making it back to our Heavenly FATHER, and living with our FAMILIES forever!!! That’s so awesome that this whole church exists to teach and support the family. We can go to church and take the sacrament, go to the temple and perform ordinances and make covenants, but what really matters is what we do at home. Our homes should be the best place, a place where we WANT to go to all the time, because our family is there! And it’s pretty crazy how hard Satan tries to destroy every single family. And he knows exactly how to slowly destroy the family and he is pretty good at it too, unfortunately. He puts those nasty thoughts in our head about our siblings, parents, extended family, and others, and tries to get us to act on those nasty thoughts. And whenever we do go and tease our little sister, or whomever, it is Satan wanting us to do that. Which is why we need to do everything we can, to stop him. We shouldn’t be attacking our family, we should be attacking Satan, because he is the real enemy.

In Ephesians 6:12 it says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” We just need to realize that Satan is always working to tear the family apart, so we need to always try to make it stronger and be doing those righteous things to help. There’s another good scripture that I’ll end off with that’s in Ephesians 4:31-32. “Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” Choose the right, and love! My life is WAY better whenever I do those two things.

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