My Family

My Family

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Why I Want to be a Teacher

I grew up in a family of 8 children, with two faithful, and dedicated parents. At times, it felt like I was all alone in the world because I would often get forgotten, but that just taught me how much of an influence one person could. There were many times in my younger years where my grandma was the only one there from my family to support me in activities, so I relied heavily on my friends, and their parents. My father was usually in another country working to provide for my family, and my mother was usually busy taking care of all the other children, and fulfilling her calling in church. I also had several teachers that took me under their wings, and cared for me, which is where my inspiration to become a teacher came from. At this age, I loved to play games like school, house, store, and I loved going to school and learning, and being around teachers who I adored.

            In my teenage years, I loved helping people and was really good at reaching out to those who were considered outcasts, because I knew exactly what it was like to be forgotten or ignored, and I knew I wanted to make a difference in others’ lives. It wasn’t until about a year before I left home that I realized how much my family meant to me, but I left home and went to BYU-Idaho after I graduated, because two of my brothers were already attending there, and I knew it was the right thing to do at the time. I think it was the best decision I’ve made in my life.

Ever since I arrived at college, I have rediscovered that I love learning, and knew that Family and Consumer Science Education was the major for me. I have loved every second of it. Many of my teachers have played significant roles in my life, and continue to make me a better person. Someday, I want to be one of those teachers for someone else who just needs that love that I have received from my teachers. I love to learn, and love to attend classes to hear all the insights from not only my teachers, but other students as well. It is so fascinating to learn new material, and to be able to apply what I have learned throughout college. Every so often, the Spirit will confirm to me that I am in the right place, and that what I am learning is so important for myself, and for my future family. I haven’t always loved going school, or learning, but I have never realized how important it would be, until I came to college and realized that up until now, everything that I have learned is applicable. I want to teach others what I have learned, but in such a way that they will understand, and realize how important learning is.

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