My Family

My Family

Monday, July 8, 2013

Working and Moneys

So this last week, we discussed working and money!  I like the second subject much better. Just kidding, but I realized a lot of things. Work is SO important!! Everyone needs to learn how to work, and are going to need to work at some point in their life. And the earlier we learn to work the better. I know that I am so grateful for work because it has taught me so many lessons, and it reminds me of home. Where I LOVE. We need to work together with our families no matter what our circumstances. Our children need to learn early on how to work, so that they are prepared for the future. Work WITH your kids, even when you just want to do it yourself because you know it’ll be much easier, and faster. Don’t do it for them. And let your kids help even when it’s just going to end up messier. That way they can learn.
The thing I remember most is working at home, listening to music, and just having fun doing my chores while getting work done. Work is supposed to fun!! Make it fun! Whenever working unplug those headphones. I know that whenever I had my earphones in when doing my chores at home, I missed out on EVERYTHING. I was off in my own little world, and normally whenever I had my headphones in, I was upset or angry. Now, looking back, I wish I would have just sucked up my sour attitude, and would have been happy. So unplug, because you’re missing out on family work time.
I know that some of my deepest conversations with my mom have come from unloading the dishwasher together. And I don’t think I will ever forget that conversation. I learned so much about my mom’s dating life, and marriage life, that I had never known before. And I guess, I just didn’t think that at one point, she was where I was. Haha. But it was just so cool to talk to her, and to think if I hadn’t have been willing to do my dishes, or she hadn’t have been willing to help me, I never would have had that experience. So I know that working with our parents, can sometimes lead into the best conversations. Here is a site that talks about the importance of family work, and it just made me realize how important working with the family really was, so read it!
                Whenever we were talking about money, we based our conversation on the pamphlet, One for the Money: Guide to Family Finance, by Marvin J. Ashton, which is awesome, and you can read it by going to this link! Click on it. You know you want to. Heavenly Father wants us to succeed and to be happy. He wants to enjoy our lives and have fun with our families. Heavenly Father loves our families just as much, and even more than we do. Which is why it is so important to lean on Him, and to let Him guide us and our families.

The first point to family finance in this booklet is Paying an Honest Tithing. “Successful financial management in every LDS home begins with the payment of an honest tithe. If our tithing and fast offerings are the first obligations met following the receipt of each paycheck, our commitment to this important gospel principle will be strengthened and the likelihood of financial mismanagement will be reduced. Paying tithing promptly to Him who does not come to check up each month will teach us and our children to be more honest with those physically closer at hand.” And I know that tithing is so important and in Malachia 3:8 it says, “Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.” When we don’t pay our tithing, we are ROBBING God. Not just cheating. ROBBING. That’s crazy! I know how important tithing is, and know that we are blessed whenever we do pay our tithing, and we will be so much happier.

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