My Family

My Family

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Gender Roles and Marriage

This week in class, we talked a lot about gender typical behaviors and roles. I definitely believe that boys and girls, women and men are just naturally different. Everyone is different. We all have different roles, and are interested in different things and at different times. We can expose people to different things, but it’s up to them to decide what they are actually interested in. I definitely believe this to be true because there have been things in my own life, that have been pressured on me, like playing the violin, by my mom, dad, sister, teacher, and other family members, but because I just wasn't interested in that, I stopped trying and caring. We talked about how female tendencies are different than male tendencies by the toys we play with, how we act, how we treat people, how we express ourselves, and other ways. We are different because of social influences like the media, and people interaction, but also because in Heaven, we were created as either a man or woman.
So basically in class, we discussed if we are who we are because of nature- which is how we were born, or nurture-how we became by influences. And while I definitely believe that Heavenly Father made us who we are, I also believe that we are shaped and defined by this world.  In the Family: A Proclamation to the World it states that women are primarily responsible to nurture and care for children. This does not mean that this is the only role women/mothers have, but it what we are primarily responsible for. In the Proclamation, it states that men are primarily responsible to provide, protect, and preside. Both roles of men and women are equally important. One role or person is not better than the other. And I think that these roles are here for us, for a reason. It gives everyone something to do, and to be responsible for. And if one role doesn't get filled in a family, like if a single mother is raising her kids by herself, she will take upon herself to fulfill the roles of the man. So it doesn't really matter how these roles are filled, it just matters that they are.

In class we also talked about how marriage is not natural, because it is combining two very different people together, and making them be as one. And as I was thinking about this, I realized that this is so true! It’s not a natural thing to do, but thankfully we do it anyways and Heavenly Father wants us to marry. But with that being said, marriage is defined as a man and a woman lawfully and legally married. Once married, we have to be as one and cleave unto each other. Genesis 2:24. Which is so awesome, because once married, we have a family, and can create families. We help each other in marriage, and change each other for the better as long as both partners are close to God. I know that we each have a certain role, and we have those roles so that we can ALL grow closer to Christ. I know that marriage in a family is the best way to get all the roles fulfilled and I can’t wait until I can someday get married and start a family of my own, and bring children into the world so that they can do the same.

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