My Family

My Family

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Family: A Proclamation to the World

Here is the link to open the Proclamation!
                 So The Family: A Proclamation to the World, basically just shares what we as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe. We believe that everyone is important and is here for a reason, and that everyone is an essential part of Gods plan. He loves us all no matter what. But Family is so very important and it is something we all need to strive for. The Lord defines marriage as one man and one woman lawfully married as husband and wife. Thankfully, those marriages continue after we die, when we are sealed to our spouse in the Holy Temple. In the pre earth-life, we all decided to follow Gods plan, and here on earth, we strive to obey Him and become perfect, so that we can be with our families, and the Lord, forever. Our duty as Gods children is to multiply and replenish the earth with children, but only after marriage between a man and a woman. Children are entitled to be born within a marriage, and to parents who are righteous, and willing to obey all the commandments. 
                Our sacred responsibility is to love others and care for them, especially our children. We are accountable for our actions which is why it is so important to teach our children the ways of the Lord. We have to teach them to love one another, serve one another, care for one another, obey the laws of the land, and obey the commandments of God. Our families and marriages are truly successful and happy only when we follow the teachings of our Savior. It is the father’s responsibility to provide for the family, while the mothers responsibility is to nurture and teach her children. But the man and woman are as equal partners, and should be treated as such. Certain circumstances may not allow for a dual partnership in which case help should be given wherever needed. Since we are accountable before God at the last day, we should stay away from adultery, procreation before marriage, and abusing others. Our children should be one of the most important people in our lives along with our husbands of course but our kids especially because they are and should be, our most prized possessions. Everyone everywhere should know about how important the family is, and how our family should be strengthened and fortified with our Savior, Jesus Christ.
                I love this document for not only the truth it shares, but for the spirit it brings to me when reading it. My family really is THE MOST important people in my life right now and I am so glad that I was born into it. Both of my parents are the best parents ever and have definitely raised me, and my other 7 siblings in righteousness, and have taught us the ways of the Lord. All of my siblings are amazing examples to me because all of them of age have served faithful missions and have gotten married in the temple. So this proclamation, I just know that its true and I know how much it blesses you, to actually bring up children, using this proclamation as a guide. I know that now a days, people of the same gender are able to get married and they do so quite frequently now. But I know how much they are going to regret it. And the children they raise have no idea what they are missing out on. But I think that when that judgment day comes around, they will be very regretful. Because I know how important it is to have a marriage between a man and a woman who honor their vows and their Heavenly Father to the best of their ability. 
                And I am so grateful for my parents working as hard as they can to make their family a happy and successful family. There have been so many, so many times, in my life when the Spirit has told me how lucky I am to be a part of an amazing family, because a lot of people don’t have that opportunity, or ability. And I am SO excited to one day, find a husband worthy to marry and get sealed to, in the temple. And I only hope that I can be as good as a mother, as my mother is to me. And when that judgment day comes, I hope I will be excited and ready for it. And I know that the Lord will help me, if I but turn to Him, and obey his teachings.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful and thoughtful blog, Caryn!

