My Family

My Family

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I Just Love My Family!

So, I basically just want to write about how much I love my family. Each and every one of my siblings and their spouses, and especially my parents and grandparents. They are the greatest influences on me, and I love it. I was just going through all my siblings blogs, and was just grateful for the example that they all set for me. They all married wonderful people, and I can just tell that their kids are being raised right. My nieces and nephews are going to be amazing people someday. Which by the way, I think last time I wrote, I only had two nephews and a niece. But I now have three nephews and two nieces, and I love it!! They are so much fun! And Stephanie and Davin are due in November with Truman! So exciting!! I just love my family, and am so excited to get married someday and start my own family with my husband. Someday.... That'll be one good day. I have a testimony of how important it is to be a mother and father. I know that that is one of the greatest callings we as humans have here on the earth. We are literally sent here to do just that. And spread the gospel. I am so grateful for my own parents, and for the example of my siblings and their spouses, of how to be amazing parents. And whether in this life or the next, I hope to have a family of my own, and raise my own children how Heavenly Father would want me to. I know how much of a responsibility children are, but I am so so excited to one day have children with my husband. I cant wait!! Except for the fact that I kinda have to. Anyways, I just love my family and the wonderful examples they are to me. I am so grateful for the relationship I have with each of them, and I would consider my family as some of my best friends. I love them!!